Investigation Duty (2016)


Year of Production





Crimes, offenses, injustices, 'Devoir d'enquête' takes you even deeper into incredible judicial cases.

Bernard and Véronique, the story of a dangerous affair / Scream, The impossible forgiven

Bernard and Véronique, the story of a dangerous affair: It was a first in Belgium: Bernard Wesphael, a committed politician often described as a kamikaze or troublemaker, found himself thrown into prison. Even as the investigation had just started, some newspapers were already labeling him a “murderer.” "Devoir d'Enquête" took the time to ...


Bernard and Véronique, the story of a dangerous affair: It was a first in Belgium: Bernard Wesphael, a committed politician often described as a kamikaze or troublemaker, found himself thrown into prison. Even as the investigation had just started, some newspapers were already labeling him a “murderer.” "Devoir d'Enquête" took the time to analyze the case, interviewing numerous witnesses, including Wesphael himself, who intends to reserve his first public testimony for the jury at his trial.

Scream, The impossible forgiven : In another headline-making case, 15-year-old Allison Cambier from Gerpinnes was brutally murdered by her neighbor, Thierry Jaradin. "Devoir d'Enquête" tracked down Allison's father and the examining magistrate who investigated this extraordinary case.

Blood on the road / Harassment

Blood on the road : Nadège and Frédéric lost their lives. Audrey will never walk again. Jeannine is between life and death. Each of them was a victim of a hit-and-run driver. Our cameras were set up in the police courts where these cases were brought to justice.

Harassment : Anonymous calls, death threats, insults, and intimidation. ...


Blood on the road : Nadège and Frédéric lost their lives. Audrey will never walk again. Jeannine is between life and death. Each of them was a victim of a hit-and-run driver. Our cameras were set up in the police courts where these cases were brought to justice.

Harassment : Anonymous calls, death threats, insults, and intimidation. Anne and Dorine have lodged numerous complaints, but until now, they had not felt taken seriously by the law. However, this time, justice has heard them! Their stalker has been convicted. In this report, these women, caught in the trap of their stalker, have the strength to testify openly, facing their anguish in the hope that it will finally stop.

The mysteries of the Kubla case / Facebook escorts

The mysteries of the Kubla case: In June 2014, Belgian businessman Stephan De Witte mysteriously disappeared in Congo. His disappearance revealed a major corruption scandal involving Serge Kubla, the mayor of Waterloo and a former minister, along with two executives from the Duferco company. The three men were charged with “corruption involving ...


The mysteries of the Kubla case: In June 2014, Belgian businessman Stephan De Witte mysteriously disappeared in Congo. His disappearance revealed a major corruption scandal involving Serge Kubla, the mayor of Waterloo and a former minister, along with two executives from the Duferco company. The three men were charged with “corruption involving a person holding public office in a foreign state.”

Facebook escorts: A new and very worrying phenomenon is emerging, and it's affecting people from all walks of life. Through Facebook, young girls from various backgrounds are being coerced into prostitution. These young victims, whether students or working women, were neither naive nor foolish, yet one day their lives were turned upside down.

At the heart of Daesh with my son / We're going to lose our DNA

At the heart of Daesh with my son: After spending nine months in hell at the heart of the "Islamic State" with her 4-year-old son, Laura has returned to Belgium. This young woman from the Charleroi region came back disgusted by what she saw and experienced in Syria: the barbarity, the fate reserved for women, the bombings, the misery, and the ...


At the heart of Daesh with my son: After spending nine months in hell at the heart of the "Islamic State" with her 4-year-old son, Laura has returned to Belgium. This young woman from the Charleroi region came back disgusted by what she saw and experienced in Syria: the barbarity, the fate reserved for women, the bombings, the misery, and the lies and perversity of the terrorist group.

We're going to lose our DNA: A car-ramming attack on the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology resulted in destroyed laboratories and evidence going up in smoke. Recent events have shown how much criminals fear scientific progress, particularly the advancements in DNA technology.

Wesphael Trial

An exclusive interview conducted following Bernard Wesphael's acquittal in the summer of 2016, which the legal magazine had agreed not to broadcast until after the trial.

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