Investigation Duty (2017)


Year of Production





Crimes, offenses, injustices, "Investigation Duty" takes you even deeper into incredible judicial cases.

Targets on the Sidewalk / The Dirty Secrets of a Chic Market

Targets on the Sidewalk In the early hours of the morning, in a place as sordid as it was isolated, the body of a woman was discovered not far from the banks of the Meuse, in Liège. The press didn't talk about it. The victim, whom we'll call Helena, had been prostituting herself for years in the North Cathedral District, right next to ...


Targets on the Sidewalk In the early hours of the morning, in a place as sordid as it was isolated, the body of a woman was discovered not far from the banks of the Meuse, in Liège. The press didn't talk about it. The victim, whom we'll call Helena, had been prostituting herself for years in the North Cathedral District, right next to downtown...

Art Trafficking: The Dirty Underbelly of a Chic Market Our investigation begins at the BRAFA in Brussels, one of the most prestigious art and antique fairs in Europe. With the help of a prominent Belgian archaeologist, our team identified several suspicious objects there. Were they looted in Syria? Did they benefit terrorist groups? What routes do trafficked objects take, how do they end up in the windows of prestigious antique dealers?

Wrongfully Convicted / The Law of the Jungle / Jihadism and Justice

Wrongfully Convicted? Is the Gottschalk case a terrible miscarriage of justice? Did two brothers, Francis and Marco Gottschalk, spend many years behind bars... for nothing? Investigation Duty has reopened the case.

The Law of the Jungle Devoir d'enquête takes you deep into the woods, where there is no... truce! Night patrols, tracking ...


Wrongfully Convicted? Is the Gottschalk case a terrible miscarriage of justice? Did two brothers, Francis and Marco Gottschalk, spend many years behind bars... for nothing? Investigation Duty has reopened the case.

The Law of the Jungle Devoir d'enquête takes you deep into the woods, where there is no... truce! Night patrols, tracking poachers, hunting polluters—these are just some of the missions entrusted to the men who enforce the law deep in the forest.

Proof Through Images / Muscle at All Costs / Damien's Return

Muscle at All Costs For them, there is no hope of a title or medal, just a frantic and dangerous pursuit of perfection and aesthetics, a race against time as well. Investigation Duty met up with these amateur dopers and coaches who barely hide... To understand, but also to warn!

Justice and Video It's night, and there are cries in the street. ...


Muscle at All Costs For them, there is no hope of a title or medal, just a frantic and dangerous pursuit of perfection and aesthetics, a race against time as well. Investigation Duty met up with these amateur dopers and coaches who barely hide... To understand, but also to warn!

Justice and Video It's night, and there are cries in the street. The window of a Brussels apartment opens, and a man decides to discreetly film the forceful intervention of a few police officers... These images will soon embark on a long journey, from YouTube to a police station, to a case file and a courtroom.

Damien's Return Damien, a child abducted by his father in Turkey. The child was located, and Damien returned to Belgium with his mother! A look back in images at this happy ending.

Pirate Houses: The Business of Misery / Who Wants to Take Down Our Judges?

Pirate Houses: The Business of Misery On October 6, 2016, the Charleroi public prosecutor's office ordered a police raid on Home Massimo, a shelter in Gosselies. The place had been on the judicial radar for several weeks. What the investigators discovered that day were 46 tenants, mostly mentally ill, living in deplorable hygiene conditions and ...


Pirate Houses: The Business of Misery On October 6, 2016, the Charleroi public prosecutor's office ordered a police raid on Home Massimo, a shelter in Gosselies. The place had been on the judicial radar for several weeks. What the investigators discovered that day were 46 tenants, mostly mentally ill, living in deplorable hygiene conditions and left to fend for themselves.

Who Wants to Take Down Our Judges? We followed 3 investigating judges in the heart of their work. Because investigating judges are under threat. The Minister of Justice would like to see them disappear in favor of the Public Prosecutor's Office. We went where cameras are not welcome. Are investigating judges, supposed to be neutral, impartial, independent, living their last day?

We've forgotten Ciena / Laurent Louis and the Devil's currency

CIENA Forgotten The initial medical reports mention "sudden death favored by a prone position," among other factors. However, Ciena sleeps on her back... Doubt creeps in from the very first moments for the young parents. Their visit to the nursery the day after the death will lead them to lodge a complaint for involuntary manslaughter due to lack ...


CIENA Forgotten The initial medical reports mention "sudden death favored by a prone position," among other factors. However, Ciena sleeps on her back... Doubt creeps in from the very first moments for the young parents. Their visit to the nursery the day after the death will lead them to lodge a complaint for involuntary manslaughter due to lack of foresight and/or precaution.

Laurent Louis and the Devil's Currency Investigation Duty met victims who today have lost everything or risk losing everything. Yet they still hesitate to file a complaint, afraid of being accused themselves of participating in the development of a scam that is anything but... virtual!

Publifin: The Scapegoat Ball / Asbestos

Publifin: The Scapegoat Ball Members of Publifin's sector committees are breaking their silence. They pocketed colossal sums for doing almost nothing. Politicians have publicly condemned them. Will those who took advantage of the system be punished by justice? What about those who created the system?

The Poisoned School? Two suspicious ...


Publifin: The Scapegoat Ball Members of Publifin's sector committees are breaking their silence. They pocketed colossal sums for doing almost nothing. Politicians have publicly condemned them. Will those who took advantage of the system be punished by justice? What about those who created the system?

The Poisoned School? Two suspicious deaths, some Corsican vendettas, contradictory documents...: this is the tough investigation facing the Arlon Justice. We met with all the stakeholders in this case, and a double observation became clear: at the Arlon Technical Institute, two irreconcilable camps now face each other, and asbestos, the devil's dust as it's called, banned in our country for nearly twenty years, still scares everyone...


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