Mechanics of crime

Feature Docs

Run Time

3 x 75'

Year of Production



RTBF & Triangle7


In this first season of "The Mechanics of Crime," we explore some of Europe's most shocking crimes with fresh insights and captivating storytelling. Serial killers, infanticide, mass shootings... this mini-series has only one objective: to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

I Killed My Children

On February 28, 2007, in Nivelles, Geneviève Lhermitte, a mother of five, murders all of her children (aged 3 to 14) by slitting their throats with a knife in the family home. She then attempts suicide, but fails. Her husband, Bouchaïb Moqadem, is absent; he has been in Morocco for a month. The case made history in Belgian judicial circles and ...


On February 28, 2007, in Nivelles, Geneviève Lhermitte, a mother of five, murders all of her children (aged 3 to 14) by slitting their throats with a knife in the family home. She then attempts suicide, but fails. Her husband, Bouchaïb Moqadem, is absent; he has been in Morocco for a month. The case made history in Belgian judicial circles and touches upon an absolute taboo: a mother does not kill her children. What led Geneviève Lhermitte to a situation that seemed so hopeless to her? Was Geneviève Lhermitte responsible for her actions at the time of the incident? The psychiatric experts give a favourable opinion. In December 2008, the trial begins at the Court of Assizes of Walloon Brabant in Nivelles. A1900-pages case file, and about a hundred witnesses are called to testify. On the fourth day of the trial, a dramatic turn of events occurs: the psychiatric experts are asked by the court to review their initial assessment. They ultimately conclude that she was in a state of insanity at the time of the incident and therefore not responsible for her actions. However, it doesn't matter. The jury had spoken: Geneviève Lhermitte is sentenced to life imprisonment. After spending 12 years in prison and attempting suicide multiple times, Geneviève Lhermitte is released under certain conditions. She is admitted to a psychiatric center, but she can't bear to live without her children anymore. She obtains euthanasia for psychological suffering with no hope of recovery. Through unseen archives and new testimonies, this documentary examines the tragic journey of Geneviève Lhermitte and society's perception of mothers who commit infanticide as monsters.

So It Doesn't Happen Again

It was December 13, 2011, exactly 12 years ago today, in Liège, at Place Saint-Lambert. On that day, six people lost their lives and 125 others were sometimes going to be severely injured. In the heart of the city, in a matter of seconds, a man unleashed chaos and terror by throwing grenades and firing into the crowd before taking his own life. ...


It was December 13, 2011, exactly 12 years ago today, in Liège, at Place Saint-Lambert. On that day, six people lost their lives and 125 others were sometimes going to be severely injured. In the heart of the city, in a matter of seconds, a man unleashed chaos and terror by throwing grenades and firing into the crowd before taking his own life. This man, Nordine Amrani, was well-known to the justice system. He was on parole but had managed to rearm himself and slip under the radar. For twelve years, the families of the deceased victims have been fighting for justice. To them, the State is responsible. Drawing on unseen archives and exclusive testimonies from both victims' families and the perpetrator's relatives, Sylvie Chevalier and Arnaud Dufeys present this new episode of "The Mechanics of Crime: So It Doesn't Happen Again".

Five women thrown to the slaughter

Since March 1997, macabre discoveries will follow one another in the heart of Mons. These will be the human remains of 5 women cut into pieces and abandoned in garbage bags that investigators will discover. "The Mechanics of Crime" revisits one of the biggest cases of serial killers.


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