The Extraordinary Garden (2020)


Run Time

33 x 30'

Year of Production





This animal magazine allows us to discover both the best in animal documentaries and also reports to discover unusual places all around the world or closer to us.

Our Extraordinary Garden #1

In exceptional circumstances, an equally exceptional Extraordinary Garden! The motto "stay at home" that has been governing our daily lives for the past two weeks gives us the opportunity to rediscover our immediate environment. On this occasion, Tanguy and the Extraordinary Garden team invited our viewers to create a special episode! We are at ...


In exceptional circumstances, an equally exceptional Extraordinary Garden! The motto "stay at home" that has been governing our daily lives for the past two weeks gives us the opportunity to rediscover our immediate environment. On this occasion, Tanguy and the Extraordinary Garden team invited our viewers to create a special episode! We are at the beginning of spring 2020, and we are obliged to stay at home to prevent the spread of a terrible virus... When we stay at home, we explore our garden with much more attention. So, the Extraordinary Garden team issued a call via the internet for everyone who can to film nature from their garden or balcony and send it to us. Let's go on an adventure for a safari at home! Welcome to all in these incredible episodes of the Extraordinary Garden.

Our Extraordinary Garden #2

"In exceptional circumstances, an equally exceptional Extraordinary Garden! The motto "stay at home" that has been governing our daily lives for the past two weeks gives us the opportunity to rediscover our immediate environment. On this occasion, Tanguy and the Extraordinary Garden team invited our viewers to create a special episode! We are at ...


"In exceptional circumstances, an equally exceptional Extraordinary Garden! The motto "stay at home" that has been governing our daily lives for the past two weeks gives us the opportunity to rediscover our immediate environment. On this occasion, Tanguy and the Extraordinary Garden team invited our viewers to create a special episode! We are at the beginning of spring 2020, and we are obliged to stay at home to prevent the spread of a terrible virus... When we stay at home, we explore our garden with much more attention. So, the Extraordinary Garden team issued a call via the internet for everyone who can to film nature from their garden or balcony and send it to us. Let's go on an adventure for a safari at home! Welcome to all in these incredible episodes of the Extraordinary Garden."

Our Extraordinary Garden #3

In exceptional circumstances, an equally exceptional Extraordinary Garden! Spring 2020 is well underway, and we are still required to stay at home, to prevent the spread of a terrible virus... The motto "stay at home" that has been governing our daily lives for over a month is still relevant and gives us the opportunity to rediscover our ...


In exceptional circumstances, an equally exceptional Extraordinary Garden! Spring 2020 is well underway, and we are still required to stay at home, to prevent the spread of a terrible virus... The motto "stay at home" that has been governing our daily lives for over a month is still relevant and gives us the opportunity to rediscover our immediate environment. On this occasion, Tanguy and the Extraordinary Garden team invited our viewers to create a special episode! You have been thousands to respond to Tanguy Dumortier's call and send him images of the nature surrounding us. Produced by the viewers, the 3rd episode of Our Extraordinary Garden plunges us, literally, for an immersion into our natural "drink stations" or not!! In Profondeville, Frédéric will show us his newts; in Tournai, we will meet Thomas's frogs. Leaving the pond, we will head to Seneffe where Anne and Robert eagerly await the hatching of their little owl's first eggs. In Tournai, Gatien will share the first images of peregrine falcons nesting in the Saint-Jacques church in Tournai; in Brussels, Jean will introduce us to his urban foxes. And this is just a sample of the surprises awaiting us this Sunday. Faced with the circumstances, Europe's oldest television program is getting a fresh start!

Our Extraordinary Garden #4

In exceptional circumstances, an equally exceptional Extraordinary Garden! Spring 2020 is well underway, and at the beginning of May, we are still required to stay at home, to prevent the spread of a terrible virus... The motto "stay at home" that has been governing our daily lives for nearly 6 weeks is still relevant and gives us the ...


In exceptional circumstances, an equally exceptional Extraordinary Garden! Spring 2020 is well underway, and at the beginning of May, we are still required to stay at home, to prevent the spread of a terrible virus... The motto "stay at home" that has been governing our daily lives for nearly 6 weeks is still relevant and gives us the opportunity to rediscover our immediate environment. On this occasion, Tanguy and the Extraordinary Garden team invited our viewers to create a 4th special episode! You have been thousands to respond to Tanguy Dumortier's call and send him images of the nature surrounding you. Still produced by you, this 4th episode of "Our Extraordinary Garden" takes us through our beautiful Wallonia!!! In Virelles, near its famous pond, Anne filmed majestic storks; in Lombise, Clément closely followed ants; It's fox cubs that brighten up Arnaud's daily life in Stembert. Tanguy will also take a tour of Wallonia's connected nest boxes. Are blue tits, barn owls, sparrows well settled for nesting? And this is just a sample of the surprises awaiting us this Sunday. Faced with the circumstances, Europe's oldest television program is getting a fresh start!

Our Extraordinary Garden #5: A Summer at Home

It's back to school time, and to mark the occasion, Tanguy, the team from Our Extraordinary Garden, and the viewers have prepared an exceptional show for us! Since spring 2020, following the measures taken to try to stem the spread of this terrible virus, several thousand of you have responded to Tanguy Dumortier's call and sent him images of the ...


It's back to school time, and to mark the occasion, Tanguy, the team from Our Extraordinary Garden, and the viewers have prepared an exceptional show for us! Since spring 2020, following the measures taken to try to stem the spread of this terrible virus, several thousand of you have responded to Tanguy Dumortier's call and sent him images of the nature around you. Today, free to move around, our viewers have been just as numerous in responding to Our Extraordinary Garden's invitation to film nature during their summer walks. This real enthusiasm has allowed us to produce this back-to-school show that will take us to Brussels, Charleroi, Liège, in Luxembourg, near Namur, and in Walloon Brabant, in short, everywhere in our beautiful regions. We encounter fox cubs, storks, a thirsty bat, beavers, kingfishers, badgers. And that's just a sample of the surprises that await us this Sunday.

Our Extraordinary Garden #6 : The Paths of Autumn

It's the end of a complicated year. And here comes autumn, soothing our hearts with anything but monotonous colors! To mark the occasion, Tanguy and the viewers have prepared a new exceptional episode for us. Our Extraordinary Garden is back for a profusion of images and an explosion of colors!! Since spring 2020, when the lockdown was put in ...


It's the end of a complicated year. And here comes autumn, soothing our hearts with anything but monotonous colors! To mark the occasion, Tanguy and the viewers have prepared a new exceptional episode for us. Our Extraordinary Garden is back for a profusion of images and an explosion of colors!! Since spring 2020, when the lockdown was put in place, thousands of you have responded to Tanguy's call and sent him images of the nearby nature surrounding you. Today, free to move around, our viewers have been just as numerous in responding to the invitation of the Extraordinary Garden to film nature during their autumn walks. This genuine enthusiasm has allowed us to produce this end-of-year episode. We take you to Erquelinnes, Ecaussinnes, Villers-la-Ville, in Luxembourg, near Ghent, in short, all over our beautiful regions. There we encounter a "rock and roll" squirrel, some mischievous wild boars, a bellowing stag, or cute hedgehogs looking for a shelter for winter. And that's just a sample of the surprises awaiting us this Sunday. Thanks to your enthusiasm, Europe's oldest television show continues to surprise!

Our Extraordinary Garden #7: Operation Bird Feeder

Our Extraordinary Garden focuses on bird feeders!

In this special episode, Tanguy Dumortier shares simple tips to attract a wide variety of birds and witness a fascinating ballet right in your own backyard.

On board his specially designed "Bike Food Truck" for the occasion, Tanguy will travel through a small part of Belgium to deliver seeds ...


Our Extraordinary Garden focuses on bird feeders!

In this special episode, Tanguy Dumortier shares simple tips to attract a wide variety of birds and witness a fascinating ballet right in your own backyard.

On board his specially designed "Bike Food Truck" for the occasion, Tanguy will travel through a small part of Belgium to deliver seeds and survey the terrain!

How to properly feed birds to attract maximum diversity? What types of feeders to choose? Is it possible to have a feeder in an urban environment, on a terrace, with a cat at home? Yes! But then... how to protect these feeders from predators... And how to prevent large birds from invading them?

Diversify food offerings, multiply feeding stations, consider a small bar or even a drink station... and you may have the chance, like Pascal, to observe over 26 different species at your home! It's also an opportunity to meet our little mascot Bernardot, an adorable mischievous red squirrel who sometimes cheekily joins the table of all these little birds...

Often, beauty lies in small things... A few sunflower seeds... Some peanuts... Apple slices... and the titmice dance begins!"

On the Trails of Niokolo Koba

In the heart of West Africa, Tanguy takes you on a journey to discover Niokolo Koba, a national park in Senegal. Spanning 10,000 km² of forests, savannas, and trails, the team from "Jardin Extraordinaire" encounters golden monkeys, tranquil antelopes, a friendly baboon, a cautious civet, a confident nightjar, and spectacular red-throated ...


In the heart of West Africa, Tanguy takes you on a journey to discover Niokolo Koba, a national park in Senegal. Spanning 10,000 km² of forests, savannas, and trails, the team from "Jardin Extraordinaire" encounters golden monkeys, tranquil antelopes, a friendly baboon, a cautious civet, a confident nightjar, and spectacular red-throated bee-eaters. Not to mention the mysterious aardvark and the king of the savannah, the majestic lion. It's an exceptional encounter with wildlife in all its forms. A wealth of ingenuity has been deployed to successfully "capture," with our camera, these magnificent animals.

Enchanted Ethiopia

For this new episode of the Extraordinary Garden, Tanguy takes us to the Horn of Africa, where it all began for humanity. It is on the high plateaus of Ethiopia, at the mysterious sources of the Nile, that we will meet the majestic pelicans of Lake Tana, as well as the fish eagle, with its typical cry. In breathtaking landscapes, the elegant ...


For this new episode of the Extraordinary Garden, Tanguy takes us to the Horn of Africa, where it all began for humanity. It is on the high plateaus of Ethiopia, at the mysterious sources of the Nile, that we will meet the majestic pelicans of Lake Tana, as well as the fish eagle, with its typical cry. In breathtaking landscapes, the elegant flamingos will offer us a spectacle of rare elegance. Tanguy will blend effortlessly into a group of geladas, the astonishing "lion monkey" also known as the "bleeding-heart monkey". We will cross paths with the Abyssinian wolf, the rarest wolf on the planet. Enchanted Ethiopia, a magnificent country with sumptuous landscapes, exceptional images, and surprising encounters...

Profession: Animal Guide

Portrait of Baptiste Bataille, a Belgian biologist and ornithologist turned wildlife guide. He offers trips to amateur and professional photographers in search of encounters with "wild" animals such as the gray wolf, the golden eagle, the genet, the snow leopard, the beluga whale, and the polar bear.

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