The Extraordinary Garden (2021)


Run Time

29 x 30'

Year of Production





This animal magazine allows us to discover both the best in animal documentaries and also reports to discover unusual places all around the world or closer to us.

The Spanish inn

And what if the best option to meet the wildlife of Spain was to go clubbing? Revel with the vultures, gnaw bones with the bearded vulture, have a drink with the genets, dance with the common cranes, and pose with the Iberian lynx.

Wild Farm

This is the story of a farm not far from Seneffe in Belgium that has gradually seen the return and resurgence of a multitude of wild species! Nothing is left to chance... the work in the fields has been designed with wildlife as the primary concern... The colorful flowered fields serve as refuges for incredible insects, the depths of the ponds ...


This is the story of a farm not far from Seneffe in Belgium that has gradually seen the return and resurgence of a multitude of wild species! Nothing is left to chance... the work in the fields has been designed with wildlife as the primary concern... The colorful flowered fields serve as refuges for incredible insects, the depths of the ponds hide mysterious newts. Small woods and old trees are the territory of buzzards and little owls. Even the buildings have become perfect fortresses for families of sparrows and swallows... This farm belongs to Claudine. Although she already has a profession, she decided to take over this family farm established for 4 generations! By making arrangements for each species to better establish itself, Claudine and her husband have turned this farm into a true ecosystem where everyone has a role to play!

Extraordinary Safari #1

For this new episode of the Extraordinary Garden, Tanguy Dumortier invites us on a safari, which means journey in Swahili, to the wild lands of East Africa.

Being one of the most densely populated regions of the world in terms of wildlife, the African savanna is a true temple of biodiversity, where hundreds of species live in perfect harmony. ...


For this new episode of the Extraordinary Garden, Tanguy Dumortier invites us on a safari, which means journey in Swahili, to the wild lands of East Africa.

Being one of the most densely populated regions of the world in terms of wildlife, the African savanna is a true temple of biodiversity, where hundreds of species live in perfect harmony.

Accompanied by a Maasai guide, Tanguy Dumortier traverses the bush to encounter giraffes, elephants, hippos, and lions, but not only! Because other species, equally captivating, are to be admired, among the branches or in the pitch-black night...

Among them, our team hopes to trace the steps of one of the most beautiful predators of the savanna: the cheetah. Due to the shrinking of its habitat, the population of this feline has been reduced by 10 times in a hundred years, dropping from 100,000 to 10,000 individuals.

Extraordinary Safari #2

They fascinate us, they worry us, their young ones touch our hearts, but they awaken ancestral fears in us. For this new episode of the Extraordinary Garden, Tanguy takes us to the plains of East Africa to meet the big predators.

Here, they are numerous... And not all discreet... In these treeless savannas, the lion is truly the king! It is the ...


They fascinate us, they worry us, their young ones touch our hearts, but they awaken ancestral fears in us. For this new episode of the Extraordinary Garden, Tanguy takes us to the plains of East Africa to meet the big predators.

Here, they are numerous... And not all discreet... In these treeless savannas, the lion is truly the king! It is the only feline to live in a family. It doesn't hide, it uses the tracks as paths to move around. While it sleeps, its lionesses hunt antelopes, rhinos, or buffaloes. And... it's not always successful...

Speed is the cheetah's advantage, the fastest land animal in the world, which can reach speeds of 100 km/h, to the great misfortune of warthogs. The cheetah is now the most threatened feline in Africa, its population has dropped from 100,000 to 12,000 in a century.

The serval, a tall cat, has a very particular hunting technique. It lies down in the grass and pretends to sleep, listening for the slightest sound. Once its prey is spotted, the serval can run up to 80 km/h and leap up to 6 meters!!

Predators are everywhere. Like the eagle with its piercing gaze, on the lookout for any prey, or the secretary bird, the only African raptor that spends its time on the ground.

Some take advantage of the night to hunt. Thus, the lynx with its sensitive ears or the caracal, which sneaks into tall grass to wait for its meal. Whether they fly, hunt, jump, or run, predators must be the strongest. They must also accept defeat! The life of predators is not a smooth ride..."


Is a big camera necessary for filming animals? Not necessarily. To prove it, here's Tanguy's challenge: filming wildlife with a mobile phone. From the tit to the squirrel, from the woodpecker to the fox, including the carp or the rhinoceros beetle... the result is surprising. Follow the guide. Your wildlife filmmaker equipment may already be in ...


Is a big camera necessary for filming animals? Not necessarily. To prove it, here's Tanguy's challenge: filming wildlife with a mobile phone. From the tit to the squirrel, from the woodpecker to the fox, including the carp or the rhinoceros beetle... the result is surprising. Follow the guide. Your wildlife filmmaker equipment may already be in your pocket!


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