Come, let me explain


Year of Production





Here is the educational program for children aged 6 to 12 to review math, French, general knowledge, languages, and technology. Two revision segments, the question of the day, and dance, all hosted by David Dieu.

Episode 1

We do math with additions and multiplications using the game of snakes and ladders. In general knowledge, we trace the past in Wallonia and Brussels. And sometimes, we use animal names to refer to humans.

Episode 2

Language awareness for the little ones: graphic dictation in English. For 3rd and 4th graders, French lessons on the various ways to write the sound {set}. For the older ones, a bit of math with solid figures.

Episode 3

We're having fun reviewing French with the postcard Liam sent to his grandparents. Engage in a real scientific experiment to uncover the mysteries of dilation and contraction. With a number dictation, we realize that pronunciation is not the same in all countries, and we practice operations.

Episode 4

Math review for 1st and 2nd graders: learning to create a grid in various ways. French review for 3rd and 4th graders: reading a tale for entertainment. A bit of Dutch for 5th and 6th graders: Luana's friend lost her cat, and it needs to be found by following a route in Dutch.

Episode 5

For 1st and 2nd graders: English class. Buying fruits and vegetables at the market. For 3rd and 4th graders: Luana explains who Charles Darwin was. And for the older ones, math with multiplications using a ruler.

Episode 6

Review of general knowledge for 1st and 2nd graders: how do vaccines work? For 2nd and 3rd graders, French lessons on anaphoric expressions; completing texts with missing words. And for 5th and 6th graders, Dutch lessons: 'I am going to the library to borrow a book.'

Episode 7

Language review for 1st and 2nd graders: Luana learns the main colors in English. Math review for 3rd and 4th graders: Luana makes a Chinese hat, an opportunity to review the various elements of the circle. General knowledge for 5th and 6th graders: Luana reviews the main mountains in the world.

Episode 8

Math for 1st and 2nd graders: the divisors of one hundred. For 3rd and 4th graders, general knowledge: Luana reviews some centennial events. For 5th and 6th graders, French: Luana divides a text into paragraphs, making it easier to understand.

Episode 9

We classify events in a little girl's life chronologically to better understand the concept of time. Hmm, while enjoying delicious waffles, we learn the concept of magnitudes. And then, to review conjugation, we embark on a journey of discovery in the Americas.

Episode 10

Water is sacred, and we examine the topic through 5 essential questions. If you're familiar with Jean de La Fontaine's fable 'The Hare and the Tortoise,' you'll also discover a fictional narrative inspired by this fable that offers new insights into its moral. Drawing and practicing Dutch through a visual dictation is quite enjoyable.

Episode 11

Math for 1st and 2nd graders: they must accomplish a dance by deciphering an algorithm. Social studies for 3rd and 4th graders: what do we celebrate on May 1st and what were its meanings in the past? For 5th and 6th graders, a bit of English: they need to tidy up Luana's room.

Episode 12

In languages, for 1st and 2nd graders: Little Red Riding Hood in different languages. For 3rd and 4th graders, math: Luana explains the game of chess. In French, for 5th and 6th graders: a story that discusses solidarity and mutual aid.

Episode 13

Luana explores endangered species, and yes, unfortunately, nowadays, some animals or plants are in danger. The Chinese portrait is fun and, in addition, allows for revising conjugation. Finally, creating a family tree while practicing Dutch.

Episode 14

In French, for 1st and 2nd graders: we discover a nursery rhyme, accompanied by a cat and a mouse. 3rd and 4th graders create a composite sketch in Dutch. 5th and 6th graders do math by planting trees

Episode 15

We're getting ready for the CEB (Certificat d'Études de Base): first, Luana shows us how to use a basic calculator. Then, you're invited to write a fictional story. You can choose your plot, characters, etc... So, let your imagination run wild! Finally, we teach you how to use the right map in an atlas, depending on what you're looking for.

Episode 16

Review for 1st and 2nd graders: Luana teaches the little ones how to describe a picture. This includes the foreground, which are the elements closest in the photo, and the background, those that are farthest away. French CEB (Certificat d'Études de Base) preparation: learning to listen. One must identify who is being interviewed but also be able ...


Review for 1st and 2nd graders: Luana teaches the little ones how to describe a picture. This includes the foreground, which are the elements closest in the photo, and the background, those that are farthest away. French CEB (Certificat d'Études de Base) preparation: learning to listen. One must identify who is being interviewed but also be able to answer questions. Finally, CEB review in math: breaking down numbers.

Episode 17

For the little ones: we review the rooms of the house in social studies. For the CEB (Certificat d'Études de Base), we go over the major periods of history and revise the reading test with two stories: a fictional narrative and an informative narrative.

Episode 18

For 3rd and 4th graders in French: finding adverbs in amusing texts. Language awareness for 5th and 6th graders: we bake muffins using a recipe and instructions in English, and it's delicious! Discover important dates to learn all about space exploration

Episode 19

David decodes the new school calendar, everything is clearly and simply explained to 3rd and 4th graders. With 1st and 2nd graders, we discover the meaning of words borrowed from other languages, and it's really cool.

Episode 20

In 1940, children discovered paintings in the Lascaux caves. David explains to 1st and 2nd graders the time period they existed and what they represented. With the older primary students, he will create geometric drawings, carefully following the instructions.

Episode 21

The RAVel stands for Réseau Autonome des Voies Lentes (Autonomous Network of Slow Ways). You explore it here with David, heading in the four cardinal directions starting from Namur. On the way for 3rd and 4th graders.

Belgian National Day is celebrated on July 21. How about in the United Kingdom? We'll look into that with 5th and 6th graders.

Episode 22

An awareness lesson for 5th and 6th graders, covering the important stages of space exploration. In French, for 3rd and 4th graders: with David, we replace words to improve a text

Episode 23

Math lesson for the little ones with David, our teacher, who teaches them the calculation of proportionality while decorating his balcony. For the older students, it will be an awareness lesson with the classification of animals.

Episode 24

Here is the educational program for children aged 6 to 12 to review math, French, general knowledge, languages, and technology. The show "Viens, je t'explique" (Come, let me explain) offers two revision sessions interspersed with the question of the day and dance, all hosted by David Dieu. A collaboration with the education of the French Community ...


Here is the educational program for children aged 6 to 12 to review math, French, general knowledge, languages, and technology. The show "Viens, je t'explique" (Come, let me explain) offers two revision sessions interspersed with the question of the day and dance, all hosted by David Dieu. A collaboration with the education of the French Community of Belgium.

Watch it on Wednesdays at 1:10 PM and Saturdays at 12:30 PM on Ouftivi and on Auvio Kids.

Episode 25

For the math lesson, David is going to perform some mathematical operations, and it's going to be quite enjoyable since he will have to stop at a little roadside restaurant.

In general knowledge, you will understand everything about population density, what does it exactly mean?

Episode 26

David discusses tolerance with 1st and 2nd graders: he reads a text in which two friends initially greet a new classmate with suspicion because she doesn't eat like they do. After some reflection, they reconsider and become tolerant towards the young lady. In the English class for the older students: they need to learn to count in English.

Episode 27

Eating is a necessity, that's for sure. But where can we find food in a supermarket, in which aisles? Let's explore that with David and the 1st and 2nd graders! Sorting waste is important. But how? Here, we'll see how many one-liter bottles can fit in a 30-liter bag. Of course, it depends on the shape of the bottle, but crushing it is better, it ...


Eating is a necessity, that's for sure. But where can we find food in a supermarket, in which aisles? Let's explore that with David and the 1st and 2nd graders! Sorting waste is important. But how? Here, we'll see how many one-liter bottles can fit in a 30-liter bag. Of course, it depends on the shape of the bottle, but crushing it is better, it saves space!

Episode 28

Today, we're going to cook with the little ones: we're making a delicious plum compote. With the intermediate-level children, we discuss cultural diversity, particularly through the lens of carnivals.

Episode 29

David tells us the story of Saint Nicholas. Born in Turkey in 270, he was a bishop who advocated for justice and the poor. He quickly became the protector of children, sailors, merchants, butchers, and bakers. His reputation crossed borders, even reaching the island of Manhattan where he became known as Santa Claus. Then, David breaks down the ...


David tells us the story of Saint Nicholas. Born in Turkey in 270, he was a bishop who advocated for justice and the poor. He quickly became the protector of children, sailors, merchants, butchers, and bakers. His reputation crossed borders, even reaching the island of Manhattan where he became known as Santa Claus. Then, David breaks down the lyrics of the Saint Nicholas song in Dutch.

Episode 30

English class for 3rd and 4th graders: David teaches them the days and ordinal numbers in English. A bit of artistic expression follows with the little ones: they create decorations in the style of Niki de Saint-Phalle.

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