The Travelog Report


Year of Production





Two fiery adventurers, a journalist and a cameraman, travel camera in hand to find a new way to explore our planet by meeting those who have chosen to live here in an unconventional way.

They carry ultra-light equipment that fits in their backpack and allows them to make you live and feel their adventures as closely as possible, without hiding anything from you from the hardships encountered.

Come and share with them the daily life of exceptional communities and embark on the most incredible journey by joining their community.

Encounter with paramilitary teenagers in Poland.

Two months before the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, François Mazure traveled to Augustów in the North-East of Poland to meet with some teenagers who are preparing for war. In this historically unstable region, surrounded by several borders on the outskirts of the European Union, some citizens fear a Russian invasion. As a result, ...


Two months before the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, François Mazure traveled to Augustów in the North-East of Poland to meet with some teenagers who are preparing for war. In this historically unstable region, surrounded by several borders on the outskirts of the European Union, some citizens fear a Russian invasion. As a result, teenagers are enlisting in independent paramilitary camps and spending most of their free time there. They learn to handle weapons, crawl, camouflage themselves... all with strict discipline.


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